Spiritually Preparing for the Retreat

There are many ways that you can start getting ready for this journey, but we recommend the following:

Come Well-Rested

The retreat is intense and will cover in 3 days what is normally taught over a span of 5 weeks. Therefore, to get the most out of the class, you’ll need to come well-rested and ready to work.  Catch an early flight if you’re coming from out of town and avoid a late-night Friday and Saturday.

Make it to Confession

For our Catholic guests, before you get here, we’d recommend you make it to your local priest for a good confession. If that’s impossible, we may be able to find a priest for you on site; however, it’s best if you have already gone prior to your arrival.

Pray and Fast

As you will learn on this retreat, prayer is powerful! Consider fasting from something as a way to spiritually prepare for the retreat, and invite your friends and family to intercede on your behalf while you’re here with us.